Freelancing update vedio 2023

Beginners Guide to Freelancing in Bangladesh [Updated – 2022]

Now a day’s significant portion of our population is young. The young generation can broadly change our whole economy. At present, 18 to 35 aged people are more of the total number of communities, 32 percent of individuals (Source: CIA – The World Factbook). It reached up to 40 percent from 2015 to 2016 year. When any country’s number of young people is most proportionate, it is called Demographic Dividend or Demographic Bonus. Again, this situation is also known as the Windows of Opportunity. Through this condition, the potential development of any country can open the door. If the majority of the young generation are not utilized properly at the right time & the right way, they will cause a severe burden & a thorny issue in any country’s economy. If our massive amount of educated operational people can help themselves through an online outsourcing job or as an established freelancer, it would be a tremendously beneficial solution for our employment area.

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